Home » Stocks » #Hashtag Power #Gold, #OIL, #Silver, #Tesla

#Hashtag Power #Gold, #OIL, #Silver, #Tesla

Social Media thrives on Hashtag power. Currently there are approximately 92 million hashtags of varying influence. The top 100 do not seem to have anything to do with mining, business or even politics.

#GOLD ranks at 280. However it can also relate to many non mining categories. Currently Twitter automatically attaches an icon of a gold medal..

#Silver comes in at 948. Same comments as for Gold including icon.

#OIL clocks in at 2,996

#Copper 5,204

#Platinum ranks at 6,643

#Gas gets to 8,367

#Tesla registers at 7,624

#Cobalt shows up at 58,953

#Lithium is at 83, 910

#Nickel 118, 187

#Uranium 205,991

#LNG 218,184

#NatGas 608,979

So as we freak about geo-politics and commodity shortages lots of the world is naive and ignorant too wrapped up in their own useless Tic-Tok videos.

Just in case you were trying to understand something.

Written from a “Caveat Emptor Perspective”